
Gideon Gratsiani

Real Estate Investor

Through his company, CRE PRO, Gideon Gratsiani has become a real estate expert in many ways, especially in the field of foreclosures and auctioneering. Within his company, Gideon specializes in finding undervalued assets and producing low-risk investments that deliver consistent returns. Under his leadership, his company has been able to thrive in a niche that is typically avoided. Since 2009, he has now participated in thousands of auctions, having acquired over 670 single-family residences and over 20 commercial properties. He has been endorsed on account of his real estate transactions and investments, two skills that are necessary for the real estate industry. To stay updated on all things Gideon, be sure to check out his social media pages and read his blog at GideonGratsiani.net!

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